Thursday, July 23, 2009


Well I tried, what can I say I tried to learn Spanish for a month or more and I lasted 8 days. My travellers Spanish is now very good however! After the complete boredom of Quetzaltenango and trying to learn Spanish and having fun running to and from the toilet for eating from the street too much I got some stuff done Including...


There you go, it´s wet season here so I was happy enough with the misty views. Kinda nice except for the walking to the top on a bed of used firecrackers, and discovering my last water bottle the very smiley guy sold me was unsealed.

Lago de Atitlan

From the top of Volcan San Pedro, for those of you who fly if you need lift, there it is! Nice enough.

Sometimes my improved spanish is not so good, seafood platter in soup, also the muscles and fish were whole as well. Really this would have to be the least effort seafood dish around I think. Throw a bunch of stuff in some soup raw and boil it for a while.


In Angtigua you can get drunk with gringos and climb volcanoes. So thats what I did. The one on the left below is Fuego and it blow a plume of smoke halfway to the top of the photo every 30 minutes. I wouldn´t want to spoil the photo by getting a shot of it with smoke bellowing everywhere though would I! To the right is Acatenango. I went up there with a group and 2 police cause its dangerous but the police escorts got shot so we had to run away before we got to the top. Considering the circumstances that would take a long time to explain its probably still safe to go with police escorts but definently not without.

Pacaya is another volcano, much safer from bandits but probably not so safe from random lava and sulfur expulsions. Take your pick but I felt ok with the 100 others going up. Definently the highlight of my trip so far seeing this one. Try an overnighter with OX think is definently worth it.

Semuc Champey & Lago Lachuga

Semuc Champey was great, swimming in caves trying to hold a candle above the water, hey what can I say. Well it was a great experience! I got cold, and my camera isn´t waterproof.

The Lago below, Pretty, if you want extreme tranquility, fishes that bite you when you swim and lots of insects that do the same then this is the place for you.

Now Im going to trek in the Jungle for a few days and I really gotta get out of this Internet cafe.